Welcome to InnerQ Holistic Centre
Together we will embark on a journey that will allow learning, growing and discovering the being within….capable, strong, powerful, blissful, peaceful, knowledgeable, loving, compassionate, pure , happy and enlightened.
Some services we provide
About Shah J. Sahib
Shah Sahib was born with a gift of intuition abilities. At a very young age, she recognized that she had inherited spiritual abilities similar to those of her father and maternal aunt and uncle. Over the years, she observed and was mentored by her father in Indian Reiki and found that her abilities grew as she accepted them with channelled guidance from her personal guides.
In her teens and early twenties, she began informally providing spiritual healing, palm and astrological readings, as well as intuitive guidance.
She earned her bachelor in Engineering and Master’s Degree in Computer Programming and travelled. Her hobby was to help people understand the reason of illness and its connection with FORGIVING self and others and LIVING IN A STATE OF GRATITUDE, One with the UNIVERSAL LOVE.